CD Lost Not Forgotten Archives: A
Lost Not Forgotten Archives: A
Akčná cena
Čistenie skladu
- Dátum vydania
- 30.7.2021
- 0194398787626
Mohlo by ťa zaujímať
12.77 EUR
EUR 11.99
Naposledy prezerané
Popis produktu
Tracklist albumu
Under a Glass Moon (Live in Phoenix, Az 12/4/11)
Forsaken (Live in London, UK 7/24/11)
Peruvian Skies (Live in London, UK 7/24/11)
Endless Sacrifice (Live in Austin, Tx 10/26/11)
Drum Solo (Live in Austin, Tx 10/26/11)
Ytsejam (Live in Austin, Tx 10/26/11)
The Great Debate (Live in London, UK 7/24/11)
Another Day (Live in Austin, Tx 7/7/12)
Through My Words / Fatal Tragedy (Live in Montreal, Qc 10/7/11
To Live Forever (Live in Huntington, Ny 7/19/12)
The Count of Tuscany (Live in London, UK 7/24/11)
Learning to Live (Live in Tel Aviv, Il 7/19/11)
As I Am (Live in Shibuya, Jp 4/24/12)