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CD Akerfeldt, Mikael - Clark (Soundtrack From the Netflix Series)


Akerfeldt, Mikael - Clark (Soundtrack From the Netflix Series)

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 08. 04. 2025

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Tracklist albumu

/1 Libertine Theme Tango Bizarre Druglord Panic Rockefellers Vintage Modern Wish You Were There The Weak Heart Happiness Ode to Confusion in a Minor La Shay' Jadid Taht Alshams The Real Me Here's That Sunny Day Perfect Horizon Sea Slumber Then The Hunted Are /2 Libertine Theme /3 Tango Bizarre /4 Druglord Panic /5 Rockefellers /6 Vintage Modern /7 Wish You Were There /8 The Weak Heart /9 Happiness /10 Ode to Confusion in a Minor /11 La Shay' Jadid Taht Alshams /12 The Real Me /13 Here's That Sunny Day /14 Perfect Horizon /15 Sea Slumber /16 Then /17 The Hunted Are in the Clear /18 Northern Hemispheres /19 Ordinary Folks /20 Distant Spring /21 Funky Chicken /22 Code to the Vault /23 Two Mermaids /24 Rags to Riches /25 Sunrise /26 Red & White /27 Headfirst into the Storm /28 Ballad of the Libertine in G Minor /29 Lost in San Marino /30 Rhodes Rat /31 Mandag I Stockholm /32 Mother of One /33 Vielleicht Spater /34 Battle for Love /35 Night Life
/1 Libertine Theme /2 Tango Bizarre /3 Druglord Panic /4 Rockefellers /5 Vintage Modern /6 Wish You Were There /7 The Weak Heart /8 Happiness /9 Ode to Confusion in a Minor /10 La Shay' Jadid Taht Alshams /11 The Real Me /12 Here's That Sunny Day /13 Perfect Horizon /14 Sea Slumber /15 Then /16 The Hunted Are in the Clear /17 Northern Hemispheres /18 Ordinary Folks /19 Distant Spring /20 Funky Chicken /21 Code to the Vault /22 Two Mermaids /23 Rags to Riches /24 Sunrise /25 Red & White /26 Headfirst into the Storm /27 Ballad of the Libertine in G Minor /28 Lost in San Marino /29 Rhodes Rat /30 Mandag I Stockholm /31 Mother of One /32 Vielleicht Spater /33 Battle for Love /34 Night Life
