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CD And You Will Know Us B... - Xi: Bleed Here Now


And You Will Know Us B... - Xi: Bleed Here Now

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 08. 04. 2025

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Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 1.   CD Our Epic Attempts Long Distance Hell Field Songs Penny Candle No Confidence Sting Theme Kill Everyone Growing Divide Pigments Golden Sail A Life Less Melancholy Taken by the Hand Contra Mundum Darkness into Light Water Tower Sounds of Horror Prote /2 Our Epic Attempts /3 Long Distance Hell /4 Field Songs /5 Penny Candle /6 No Confidence /7 Sting Theme /8 Kill Everyone /9 Growing Divide /10 Pigments /11 Golden Sail /12 A Life Less Melancholy /13 Taken by the Hand /14 Contra Mundum /15 Darkness into Light /16 Water Tower /17 Sounds of Horror /18 Protest Streets /19 The Widening Gyre /20 Millennium Actress /21 Salt in Your Eyes /22 English Magic /23 Calm As the Valley /24 2.   CD Our Epic Attempts (4.0 Mix) Long Distance Hell (4.0 Mix) Field Songs (4.0 Mix) Penny Candle (4.0 Mix) No Confidence (4.0 Mix) Sting Theme (4.0 Mix) Kill Everyone (4.0 Mix) Growing Divide (4.0 Mix) Pigments (4.0 Mix) Golden Sail (4.0 Mix) A Life Le /25 Our Epic Attempts (4.0 Mix) /26 Long Distance Hell (4.0 Mix) /27 Field Songs (4.0 Mix) /28 Penny Candle (4.0 Mix) /29 No Confidence (4.0 Mix) /30 Sting Theme (4.0 Mix) /31 Kill Everyone (4.0 Mix) /32 Growing Divide (4.0 Mix) /33 Pigments (4.0 Mix) /34 Golden Sail (4.0 Mix) /35 A Life Less Melancholy (4.0 Mix) /36 Taken by the Hand (4.0 Mix) /37 Contra Mundum (4.0 Mix) /38 Darkness into Light (4.0 Mix) /39 Water Tower (4.0 Mix) /40 Sounds of Horror (4.0 Mix) /41 Protest Streets (4.0 Mix) /42 The Widening Gyre (4.0 Mix) /43 Millennium Actress (4.0 Mix) /44 Salt in Your Eyes (4.0 Mix) /45 English Magic (4.0 Mix) /46 Calm As the Valley (4.0 Mix)
/1 Our Epic Attempts /2 Long Distance Hell /3 Field Songs /4 Penny Candle /5 No Confidence /6 Sting Theme /7 Kill Everyone /8 Growing Divide /9 Pigments /10 Golden Sail /11 A Life Less Melancholy /12 Taken by the Hand /13 Contra Mundum /14 Darkness into Light /15 Water Tower /16 Sounds of Horror /17 Protest Streets /18 The Widening Gyre /19 Millennium Actress /20 Salt in Your Eyes /21 English Magic /22 Calm As the Valley
/1 Our Epic Attempts (4.0 Mix) /2 Long Distance Hell (4.0 Mix) /3 Field Songs (4.0 Mix) /4 Penny Candle (4.0 Mix) /5 No Confidence (4.0 Mix) /6 Sting Theme (4.0 Mix) /7 Kill Everyone (4.0 Mix) /8 Growing Divide (4.0 Mix) /9 Pigments (4.0 Mix) /10 Golden Sail (4.0 Mix) /11 A Life Less Melancholy (4.0 Mix) /12 Taken by the Hand (4.0 Mix) /13 Contra Mundum (4.0 Mix) /14 Darkness into Light (4.0 Mix) /15 Water Tower (4.0 Mix) /16 Sounds of Horror (4.0 Mix) /17 Protest Streets (4.0 Mix) /18 The Widening Gyre (4.0 Mix) /19 Millennium Actress (4.0 Mix) /20 Salt in Your Eyes (4.0 Mix) /21 English Magic (4.0 Mix) /22 Calm As the Valley (4.0 Mix)
