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CD Edguy - Burning Down the Opera


Edguy - Burning Down the Opera

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 23. 03. 2025

Mohlo by ťa zaujímať

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Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 1.   CD Welcome to the Opera Fallen Angels Tears of a Mandrake Babylon Land of the Miracle Painting on the Wall Wings of a Dream The Headless Game The Pharaoh Vain Glory Opera Solitary Bunny (Drum Solo) Save Us Now How Many Miles Inside Avantasia Out Of C /2 Welcome to the Opera /3 Fallen Angels /4 Tears of a Mandrake /5 Babylon /6 Land of the Miracle /7 Painting on the Wall /8 Wings of a Dream /9 The Headless Game /10 The Pharaoh /11 Vain Glory Opera /12 Solitary Bunny (Drum Solo) /13 Save Us Now /14 How Many Miles /15 Inside /16 Avantasia /17 Out Of Control /18 2.   CD Vain Glory Opera Solitary Bunny (Drumsolo) Save Us Now How Many Miles Inside Avantasia Out of Control /19 Vain Glory Opera /20 Solitary Bunny (Drumsolo) /21 Save Us Now /22 How Many Miles /23 Inside /24 Avantasia /25 Out of Control /26
/1 Welcome to the Opera /2 Fallen Angels /3 Tears of a Mandrake /4 Babylon /5 Land of the Miracle /6 Painting on the Wall /7 Wings of a Dream /8 The Headless Game /9 The Pharaoh /10 Vain Glory Opera /11 Solitary Bunny (Drum Solo) /12 Save Us Now /13 How Many Miles /14 Inside /15 Avantasia /16 Out Of Control
/1 Vain Glory Opera /2 Solitary Bunny (Drumsolo) /3 Save Us Now /4 How Many Miles /5 Inside /6 Avantasia /7 Out of Control /8
