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CD Evergrey - A Night To Remember


Evergrey - A Night To Remember

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 23. 03. 2025

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Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 Intro /2 Blinded /3 End of Your Days /4 More Than Ever /5 She Speaks to the Dead /6 Rulers of the Mind /7 Blackened Dawn /8 Waking Up Blind /9 As I Lie Here Bleeding /10 Misled /11 Mark of the Triangle
/1 When the Walls Go Down /2 Harmless Wishes /3 Essence of Conviction /4 Solitude Within /5 Nosferatu /6 Recreation Day /7 For Every Tear That Falls /8 A Touch of Blessing /9 The Masterplan
/1 Intro /2 Blinded /3 End of Your Days /4 More Than Ever /5 She Speaks to the Dead /6 Rulers of the Mind /7 Blackened Dawn /8 Waking Up Blind /9 As I Lie Here Bleeding /10 Misled /11 Mark of the Triangle /12 When the Walls Go Down /13 Harmless Wishes /14 Essence of Conviction /15 Solitude Within /16 Nosferatu /17 Recreation Day /18 For Every Tear That Falls /19 A Touch of Blessing /20 The Masterplan
/1 The Dark Discoveries /2 The Solitude Episode /3 European Adventures 2001 /4 In Search of Truth /5 The Recreation Days /6 North American Fairytales /7 The Shocking Truth /8 North America 2004: the Return /9 Inside the Inner Circle /10 In Bed with Evergrey /11 In Bed with Tom /12 In Bed with Michael /13 In Bed with Henrik /14 In Bed with Rikard /15 In Bed with Jonas /16 Gear-talk With: Tom, Jonas, Henrik, Michael /17 Arnold's Mixing School /18 E-tv Cribs: a Tour of the Evergrey Headquarters /19 For Every Tear That Falls /20 The Masterplan /21 Blinded /22 I'm Sorry /23 More Than Ever /24 A Touch of Blessing
