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CD Flower Kings - Waiting For Miracles


Flower Kings - Waiting For Miracles

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 09. 04. 2025

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Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 1.   CD House of Cards Black Flag Miracles for America Vertigo The Bridge Ascending to the Stars Wicked Old Symphony The Rebel Circus Sleep with the Enemy The Crowning of Greed /2 House of Cards /3 Black Flag /4 Miracles for America /5 Vertigo /6 The Bridge /7 Ascending to the Stars /8 Wicked Old Symphony /9 The Rebel Circus /10 Sleep with the Enemy /11 The Crowning of Greed /12 2.   CD House of Cards Reprise Spirals Steampunk We Were Always Here Busking at Brobank /13 House of Cards Reprise /14 Spirals /15 Steampunk /16 We Were Always Here /17 Busking at Brobank
/1 House of Cards /2 Black Flag /3 Miracles for America /4 Vertigo /5 The Bridge /6 Ascending to the Stars /7 Wicked Old Symphony /8 The Rebel Circus /9 Sleep with the Enemy /10 The Crowning of Greed
/1 House of Cards Reprise /2 Spirals /3 Steampunk /4 We Were Always Here /5 Busking at Brobank
