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Odosielame 21. 04. 2025

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Tracklist albumu

/1 1.   CD Tom Sawyer Red Barchetta Yyz Limelight The Camera Eye Witch Hunt Vital Signs /2 Tom Sawyer /3 Red Barchetta /4 Yyz /5 Limelight /6 The Camera Eye /7 Witch Hunt /8 Vital Signs /9 2.   CD 2112 - Overture 2112 - the Temples of Syrinx Freewill Limelight Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Prelude Beneath, Between & Behind The Camera Eye Yyz Broon's Bane The Trees Xanadu /10 2112 - Overture /11 2112 - the Temples of Syrinx /12 Freewill /13 Limelight /14 Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Prelude /15 Beneath, Between & Behind /16 The Camera Eye /17 Yyz /18 Broon's Bane /19 The Trees /20 Xanadu /21 3.   CD The Spirit of Radio Red Barchetta Closer to the Heart Tom Sawyer Vital Signs Natural Science Working Man / Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Armageddon: La Villa Strangiato /22 The Spirit of Radio /23 Red Barchetta /24 Closer to the Heart /25 Tom Sawyer /26 Vital Signs /27 Natural Science /28 Working Man / Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Armageddon: /29 La Villa Strangiato /30 4.   CD Tom Sawyer Red Barchetta Yyz Limelight The Camera Eye Witch Hunt Vital Signs /31 Tom Sawyer /32 Red Barchetta /33 Yyz /34 Limelight /35 The Camera Eye /36 Witch Hunt /37 Vital Signs /38 5.   CD 2112 - Overture 2112 - the Temples of Syrinx Freewill Limelight Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Prelude Beneath, Between & Behind The Camera Eye /39 2112 - Overture /40 2112 - the Temples of Syrinx /41 Freewill /42 Limelight /43 Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Prelude /44 Beneath, Between & Behind /45 The Camera Eye /46 6.   CD Yyz Broon's Bane The Trees Xanadu The Spirit of Radio /47 Yyz /48 Broon's Bane /49 The Trees /50 Xanadu /51 The Spirit of Radio /52 7.   CD Red Barchetta Closer to the Heart Tom Sawyer Vital Signs Natural Science /53 Red Barchetta /54 Closer to the Heart /55 Tom Sawyer /56 Vital Signs /57 Natural Science /58 8.   CD Working Man / Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Armageddon: La Villa Strangiato /59 Working Man / Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Armageddon: /60 La Villa Strangiato /61 9.   CD Tom Sawyer (Blu-ray Audio) Red Barchetta (Blu-ray Audio) Yyz (Blu-ray Audio) Limelight (Blu-ray Audio) The Camera Eye (Blu-ray Audio) Witch Hunt (Blu-ray Audio) Vital Signs (Blu-ray Audio) Tom Sawyer (Blu-ray Video) Limelight (Blu-ray Video) Vital /62 Tom Sawyer (Blu-ray Audio) /63 Red Barchetta (Blu-ray Audio) /64 Yyz (Blu-ray Audio) /65 Limelight (Blu-ray Audio) /66 The Camera Eye (Blu-ray Audio) /67 Witch Hunt (Blu-ray Audio) /68 Vital Signs (Blu-ray Audio) /69 Tom Sawyer (Blu-ray Video) /70 Limelight (Blu-ray Video) /71 Vital Signs (Blu-ray Video) /72 Yyz* (Blu-ray Video)
/1 Tom Sawyer /2 Red Barchetta /3 Yyz /4 Limelight /5 The Camera Eye /6 Witch Hunt /7 Vital Signs
/1 2112 - Overture /2 2112 - the Temples of Syrinx /3 Freewill /4 Limelight /5 Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Prelude /6 Beneath, Between & Behind /7 The Camera Eye /8 Yyz /9 Broon's Bane /10 The Trees /11 Xanadu
/1 The Spirit of Radio /2 Red Barchetta /3 Closer to the Heart /4 Tom Sawyer /5 Vital Signs /6 Natural Science /7 Working Man / Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Armageddon: /8 La Villa Strangiato
/1 Tom Sawyer /2 Red Barchetta /3 Yyz /4 Limelight /5 The Camera Eye /6 Witch Hunt /7 Vital Signs
/1 2112 - Overture /2 2112 - the Temples of Syrinx /3 Freewill /4 Limelight /5 Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Prelude /6 Beneath, Between & Behind /7 The Camera Eye
/1 Yyz /2 Broon's Bane /3 The Trees /4 Xanadu /5 The Spirit of Radio
/1 Red Barchetta /2 Closer to the Heart /3 Tom Sawyer /4 Vital Signs /5 Natural Science
/1 Working Man / Cygnus X-1 Book Ii: Hemispheres - Armageddon: /2 La Villa Strangiato
/1 Tom Sawyer (Blu-ray Audio) /2 Red Barchetta (Blu-ray Audio) /3 Yyz (Blu-ray Audio) /4 Limelight (Blu-ray Audio) /5 The Camera Eye (Blu-ray Audio) /6 Witch Hunt (Blu-ray Audio) /7 Vital Signs (Blu-ray Audio) /8 Tom Sawyer (Blu-ray Video) /9 Limelight (Blu-ray Video) /10 Vital Signs (Blu-ray Video) /11 Yyz* (Blu-ray Video)
