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Odosielame 23. 03. 2025

Mohlo by ťa zaujímať

Naposledy prezerané

Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 742617000027 /2 (Sic) (Explicit) /3 Eyeless (Explicit) /4 Wait & Bleed /5 Surfacing (Explicit) /6 Spit It out (Explicit) /7 Tattered & Torn (Explicit) /8 Purity /9 Liberate (Explicit) /10 Prosthetics (Explicit) /11 No Life (Explicit) /12 Diluted (Explicit) /13 Only One (Explicit) /14 Scissors /15 Eeyore (Explicit) /16 Me Inside (Explicit) /17 Get This (Explicit) /18 Spit It out (Hyper Version) /19 Spit It out (Stamp You out Mix) /20 (Sic) (Molt-injected Mix) /21 Wait & Bleed (Terry Date Mix) /22 Wait & Bleed (Demo) /23 Snap (Demo) /24 Interloper (Demo) /25 Despise (Demo)
/1 Main Menu Page Loop: ((sic) - Studio (Fragment 1)) /2 Of the (Sic) Menu Page Loop (Outdoor Noises) /3 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 1) /4 Eyeless - Live (Fragment 1) /5 Surfacing - Live (Fragment 1) /6 Scissors - Live (Fragment 1) /7 74261700027 - Studio (Fragment 1) /8 Eyeless - Live (Fragment 2) /9 Eyeless - Live (Fragment 3) /10 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 2) /11 Purity - Live (Fragment 1) /12 Liberate - Live (Fragment 1) /13 Wait & Bleed - Live (Fragment 1) /14 Scissors - Live (Fragment 2) /15 74261700027 - Studio (Fragment 2) /16 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 3) /17 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 4) /18 Purity - Live (Fragment 2) /19 74261700027 - Studio (Fragment 3) /20 Eeyore - Live (Fragment 1) /21 (Sic) - Studio (Fragment 2) /22 Wait & Bleed - Studio (Fragment 1) /23 Purity - Live (Fragment 3) /24 Spit It out - Studio (Fragment 1) /25 Wait & Bleed - Live (Fragment 2) /26 Eyeless - Live (Fragment 4) /27 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 5) /28 Wait & Bleed - Live (Fragment 3) /29 Spit It out - Live (Fragment 1) /30 Scissors - Live (Fragment 3) /31 Purity - Live (Fragment 4) /32 74261700027 - Studio (Fragment 4) /33 Liberate - Live (Fragment 2) /34 Purity - Live (Fragment 5) /35 Purity - Live (Fragment 6) /36 Purity - Live (Fragment 7) /37 Wait & Bleed - Live (Fragment 4) /38 Scissors - Live (Fragment 4) /39 Scissors - Live (Fragment 5) /40 Eyeless - Live (Fragment 5) /41 Wait & Bleed - Live (UK TV - Full Song) /42 Scissors - Live (Fragment 6) /43 Eyeless - Live (Fragment 6) /44 74261700027 - Studio (Fragment 5) /45 Me Inside - Live (Fragment 1) /46 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 6) /47 Purity - Live (Fragment 8) /48 Scissors - Live (Fragment 7) /49 Eyeless - Studio (Fragment 1) /50 Eyeless - Live (Fragment 7) /51 Purity - Live (Fragment 9) /52 No Life - Live (Fragment 1) /53 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 7) /54 Prosthetics - Live (Fragment 1) /55 Liberate - Live (Fragment 3) /56 Eeyore - Live (Fragment 2) /57 Scissors - Live (Fragment 8) /58 Liberate - Live (Fragment 4) /59 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 8) /60 Prosthetics - Live (Fragment 2) /61 Scissors - Live (Fragment 9) /62 Scissors - Live (Fragment 10) /63 Prosthetics - Live (Fragment 3) /64 (Sic) - Studio (Fragment 3) /65 Prosthetics - Live (Fragment 4) /66 Scissors - Live (Fragment 11) /67 Scissors - Live (Fragment 12) /68 (Sic) - Live (Fragment 9) /69 (Sic) - Studio (Fragment 4) /70 Music Videos Menu Page Loop (Running Brook Noises) /71 Spit It out /72 Wait & Bleed (Original Cut) /73 Surfacing (Live) /74 Wait & Bleed (Animated Version) /75 Live Concert Menu Page Loop (Outdoor Night-time No /76 742617000027 (Live at Dynamo 2000) /77 (Sic) (Live at Dynamo 2000) /78 Eyeless (Live at Dynamo 2000) /79 Wait & Bleed (Live at Dynamo 2000) /80 No Life (Live at Dynamo 2000) /81 Liberate (Live at Dynamo 2000) /82 Purity (Live at Dynamo 2000) /83 Prosthetics (Live at Dynamo 2000) /84 Spit It out (Live at Dynamo 2000) /85 Get This (Live at Dynamo 2000) /86 Surfacing (Live at Dynamo 2000)
