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Vinyl Yesterday (2LP)


Yesterday (2LP)

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Na leto 2019 dorazil do svetových kín hudobný film s názvom YESTERDAY, podľa rovnomenného megahitu slávnej britskej kapely The Beatles. Práve nimi je snímok inšpirovaný a nesie istú dávku čarov. Po…
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Tracklist albumu

/1 Yesterday - Himesh Patel /2 The World is Universal (Universal Fanfare) - Daniel Pembert /3 Summer Song - Himesh Patel /4 Interlude I: a Day in the Life - Daniel Pemberton /5 I Saw Her Standing There - Himesh Patel /6 Something - Himesh Patel /7 Let It Be - Himesh Patel /8 Interlude Ii: Strawberries - Daniel Pemberton /9 Carry That Weight - Himesh Patel /10 Here Comes the Sun - Himesh Patel /11 The Long & Winding Road - Himesh Patel /12 Interlude Iii: Gorleston Beach - Daniel Pemberton /13 Help! - Himesh Patel /14 Yesterday - Himesh Patel /15 She Loves You - Himesh Patel /16 A Hard Day's Night - Himesh Patel /17 Something - Himesh Patel /18 In My Life - Himesh Patel /19 Interlude Iv: Train Tracks - Daniel Pemberton /20 I Want to Hold Your Hand - Lily James, Himesh Patel /21 Back in the U.s.s.r - Himesh Patel /22 All You Need is Love - Himesh Patel /23 Interlude V: Yesterday's Rain - Daniel Pemberton /24 The Long & Winding Road - Himesh Patel /25 Hey Jude - Himesh Patel /26 Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da - Himesh Patel /27 Interlude Vi: Life Goes on - Daniel Pemberton


Na leto 2019 dorazil do svetových kín hudobný film s názvom YESTERDAY, podľa rovnomenného megahitu slávnej britskej kapely The Beatles. Práve nimi je snímok inšpirovaný a nesie istú dávku čarov. Po incidente sa totiž hlavný hrdina prebudí do sveta, v ktorom The Beatles nikdy neexistovali!