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CD Revolver (Deluxe Edition)


Revolver (Deluxe Edition)

Akčná cena
Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 14. 04. 2025

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Tracklist albumu

/1 Taxman /2 Eleanor Rigby /3 Im Only Sleeping /4 Love You To /5 Here, There And Everywhere /6 Yellow Submarine /7 She Said She Said /8 Good Day Sunshine /9 And Your Bird Can Sing /10 For No One /11 Doctor Robert /12 I Want To Tell You /13 Got To Get You Into My Life /14 Tomorrow Never Knows
/1 Paperback Writer (New stereo mix) /2 Rain (New stereo mix) /3 Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1) /4 Got To Get You Into My Life (Early mix) /5 Love You To (Take 7) /6 Doctor Robert (Take 7) /7 And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) Take 2 /8 Taxman (Take 11) /9 Im Only Sleeping (Take 2) - mono /10 Eleanor Rigby (Take 2) /11 For No One (Take 10) Backing track /12 Yellow Submarine (Take 4 before sound effects) /13 I Want To Tell You (Speech and Take 4) /14 Here, There And Everywhere (Take 6) /15 She Said She Said (Take 15) Backing track rehearsal
