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Vinyl Annihilator - Metal Ii


Annihilator - Metal Ii

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 23. 03. 2025

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Tracklist albumu

/1 1.   LP Chasing the High (Ft. Willie Adler, "Lamb of God") Downright Dominate (Ft. Alexi Laiho, "Children of Bodom") Army of One (Ft. Steve 'lips' Kudlow, "Anvil") Couple Suicide (Ft. Danko, "Danko Jones" and Angela Gossow, Heavy Metal Maniac (Ft. Dan Bee /2 Chasing the High (Ft. Willie Adler, "Lamb of God") /3 Downright Dominate (Ft. Alexi Laiho, "Children of Bodom") /4 Army of One (Ft. Steve 'lips' Kudlow, "Anvil") /5 Couple Suicide (Ft. Danko, "Danko Jones" and Angela Gossow, /6 Heavy Metal Maniac (Ft. Dan Beehler, "Exciter" and Allan Joh /7 Haunted (Ft. Jesper Stromblad, "In Flames") /8 2.   LP Romeo Delight - Cover Song Detonation (Ft. Jacob Lynam, "Lynam") Clown Parade (Ft. Jeff Loomis, "Nevermore") Smothered (Ft. Anders Bjorler, "The Haunted") Kicked (Ft. Corey Beaulieu, "Trivium") /9 Romeo Delight - Cover Song /10 Detonation (Ft. Jacob Lynam, "Lynam") /11 Clown Parade (Ft. Jeff Loomis, "Nevermore") /12 Smothered (Ft. Anders Bjorler, "The Haunted") /13 Kicked (Ft. Corey Beaulieu, "Trivium")
/1 Chasing the High (Ft. Willie Adler, "Lamb of God") /2 Downright Dominate (Ft. Alexi Laiho, "Children of Bodom") /3 Army of One (Ft. Steve 'lips' Kudlow, "Anvil") /4 Couple Suicide (Ft. Danko, "Danko Jones" and Angela Gossow, /5 Heavy Metal Maniac (Ft. Dan Beehler, "Exciter" and Allan Joh /6 Haunted (Ft. Jesper Stromblad, "In Flames")
/1 Romeo Delight - Cover Song /2 Detonation (Ft. Jacob Lynam, "Lynam") /3 Clown Parade (Ft. Jeff Loomis, "Nevermore") /4 Smothered (Ft. Anders Bjorler, "The Haunted") /5 Kicked (Ft. Corey Beaulieu, "Trivium")
