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Vinyl Morse, Neal - Sola Gratia


Morse, Neal - Sola Gratia

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 13. 04. 2025

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Tracklist albumu

/1 Preface /2 Overture /3 In the Name of the Lord /4 Ballyhoo (The Chosen Ones) /5 March of the Pharisees /6 Building a Wall /7 Sola Intermezzo /8 Overflow /9 Warmer Than the Sunshine
/1 Never Change /2 Seemingly Sincere /3 The Light on the Road to Damascus /4 The Glory of the Lord /5 Now I Can See / the Great Commission
/1 Preface /2 Overture /3 In the Name of the Lord /4 Ballyhoo (The Chosen Ones) /5 March of the Pharisees /6 Building a Wall /7 Sola Intermezzo /8 Overflow /9 Warmer Than the Sunshine /10 Never Change /11 Seemingly Sincere /12 The Light on the Road to Damascus /13 The Glory of the Lord /14 Now I Can See / the Great Commission
