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Vinyl Tribulation - Alive & Dead At Södra Teatern


Tribulation - Alive & Dead At Södra Teatern

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 30. 03. 2025

Mohlo by ťa zaujímať

Naposledy prezerané

Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 The Lament (Live at Sodra Teatern) /2 Nightbound (Live at Sodra Teatern) /3 Lady Death (Live at Sodra Teatern) /4 Subterranea (Live at Sodra Teatern) /5 Purgatorio (Live at Sodra Teatern) /6 Cries from the Underworld (Live at Sodra Teatern) /7 Lacrimosa (Live at Sodra Teatern) /8 The World (Live at Sodra Teatern) /9 Here Be Dragons (Live at Sodra Teatern)
/1 Trollens Brudmarsch (Live at Sodra Teatern) /2 Melancholia (Live at Sodra Teatern) /3 The Motherhood of God (Live at Sodra Teatern) /4 Randa (Live at Sodra Teatern) /5 Ultra Silvam (Live at Sodra Teatern) /6 Guitar Solo (Live at Sodra Teatern) /7 Strange Gateways Beckon (Live at Sodra Teatern) /8 Strains of Horror (Live at Sodra Teatern)
/1 Introduction (Live at Sodra Teatern) /2 The Lament (Live at Sodra Teatern) /3 Nightbound (Live at Sodra Teatern) /4 Lady Death (Live at Sodra Teatern) /5 Subterranea (Live at Sodra Teatern) /6 Purgatorio (Live at Sodra Teatern) /7 Cries from the Underworld (Live at Sodra Teatern) /8 Lacrimosa (Live at Sodra Teatern) /9 The World (Live at Sodra Teatern) /10 Here Be Dragons (Live at Sodra Teatern) /11 Middle Speech (Live at Sodra Teatern) /12 Trollens Brudmarsch (Live at Sodra Teatern) /13 Melancholia (Live at Sodra Teatern) /14 The Motherhood of God (Live at Sodra Teatern) /15 Randa (Live at Sodra Teatern) /16 Ultra Silvam (Live at Sodra Teatern) /17 Guitar Solo (Live at Sodra Teatern) /18 Strange Gateways Beckon (Live at Sodra Teatern) /19 Strains of Horror (Live at Sodra Teatern) /20 Interview Adam Zaars and Johannes Andersson /21 Interview Orvar Safstrom /22 Strange Gateways Beckon (Official Video) /23 Melancholia (Official Video) /24 The Lament (Official Video) /25 Nightbound (Official Video) /26 Lady Death (Official Video) /27 The World (Official Video) /28 Nightbound - Live (Official Video) /29 Lady Death - Live (Official Video)
