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CD Hackett, Steve - Genesis Revisited Band & Orchestra: Live


Hackett, Steve - Genesis Revisited Band & Orchestra: Live

Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 07. 04. 2025

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Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 Dance on a Volcano (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /2 Out of the Body (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /3 The Steppes (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /4 Firth of Fifth (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /5 Dancing with the Moonlit Knight (Live at the Royal Festival /6 Acoustic Guitar Solo (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, Londo /7 Blood on the Rooftops (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, Lond /8 Shadow of the Hierophant (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, L
/1 In That Quiet Earth (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London /2 Afterglow (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /3 Serpentine Song (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /4 El Niqo (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /5 Supper's Ready (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /6 The Musical Box (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London)
/1 Dance on a Volcano (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /2 Out of the Body (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /3 The Steppes (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /4 Firth of Fifth (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /5 Dancing with the Moonlit Knight (Live at the Royal Festival /6 Blood on the Rooftops (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, Lond /7 Shadow of the Hierophant (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, L /8 In That Quiet Earth (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London /9 Afterglow (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /10 Serpentine Song (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /11 El Niqo (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /12 Supper's Ready (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London) /13 The Musical Box (Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London)
