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Vinyl Lost Not Forgotten Archives: Images and Words Demos - (1989-1991)


Lost Not Forgotten Archives: Images and Words Demos - (1989-1991)

Akčná cena
Dátum vydania
Na objednávku
Odosielame 30. 03. 2025

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Popis produktu

Tracklist albumu

/1 4.   LP Metropolis (Instrumental) Take the Time (Instrumental) Learning to Live (Instrumental) Under a Glass Moon (Instrumental) Don't Look Past Me (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) To Live Forever (Vocalist Audit /2 Metropolis (Instrumental) /3 Take the Time (Instrumental) /4 Learning to Live (Instrumental) /5 Under a Glass Moon (Instrumental) /6 Don't Look Past Me (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) /7 To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) /8 To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) /9 A Change of Seasons (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) /10 5.   LP Metropolis (Atco Demo 1991) To Live Forever (Atco Demo 1991) Take the Time (Atco Demo 1991) Pull Me Under (Pre-production Demo 1991) Another Day (Pre-production Demo 1991) Surrounded (Pre-production Demo 1991) Under a Glass Moon (Pre-production De /11 Metropolis (Atco Demo 1991) /12 To Live Forever (Atco Demo 1991) /13 Take the Time (Atco Demo 1991) /14 Pull Me Under (Pre-production Demo 1991) /15 Another Day (Pre-production Demo 1991) /16 Surrounded (Pre-production Demo 1991) /17 Under a Glass Moon (Pre-production Demo 1991) /18 Wait for Sleep (Pre-production Demo 1991) /19 Learning to Live (Pre-production Demo 1991) /20 Oliver's Twist (Pre-production Demo 1991)
/1 Metropolis (Instrumental) /2 Take the Time (Instrumental) /3 Learning to Live (Instrumental) /4 Under a Glass Moon (Instrumental) /5 Don't Look Past Me (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) /6 To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) /7 To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990) /8 A Change of Seasons (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
/1 Metropolis (Atco Demo 1991) /2 To Live Forever (Atco Demo 1991) /3 Take the Time (Atco Demo 1991) /4 Pull Me Under (Pre-production Demo 1991) /5 Another Day (Pre-production Demo 1991) /6 Surrounded (Pre-production Demo 1991) /7 Under a Glass Moon (Pre-production Demo 1991) /8 Wait for Sleep (Pre-production Demo 1991) /9 Learning to Live (Pre-production Demo 1991) /10 Oliver's Twist (Pre-production Demo 1991)
